Canarios is a song by *Gaspar Sanz. It is in the key of D major and in 6/8 meter. It’s a fast paced song. If you are just learning to play classical guitar, Canarios may challenge you. You can overcome this difficulty a little by looking at the tab.
I made 2 versions, with and without tabs. You can view it in PDF and image formats. There are only the first pages in the image format, you have to look at the PDF file for the entire song. You can get an idea about the song by watching the tab video on my YouTube channel. I would be happy if you subscribe to my channel. Thanks.
Click Here To “Canarios” Tab Video
If you are just learning to play classical guitar, you should take a look at 10 Easy Songs for Classical Guitar.
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Canarios PDF Files
*Francisco Bartolomé Sanz Celma (1640-1710), better known as Gaspar Sanz, was a Spanish composer, guitarist,